Telefon: +90 212 210 93 54 Fax: +90 212 210 93 59

G.M. INTERNATIONAL / D1000 / Digital IN

The D1030D isolates and repeat two contacts or two proximity detectors in Hazardous Location providing two independent SPDT Relay Outputs to drive Safe Area Loads. The unit can be configured for NO/NC contact or proximity detector input and for NE or ND relay output.
The isolates and repeat two contacts or two proximity detectors in Hazardous Location, with common return, providing four O.C. Transistor outputs to drive Safe Area Loads.
2 channels I.S. switch repeater for contact or EN60947-5-6 Proximity Switches. Provides 3 port isolation (input/output/supply). Line-fault detection, common to all input signals, available when using enclosures with Power bus.
The D1033D isolates and repeat two contacts or two proximity detectors in Hazardous Location, providing four O.C. Transistor outputs to drive Safe Area Loads. Two of the O.C. outputs can be configured to remotely signal Lead Breakage/Fault Detection.
This solution results in 100% input channel saving with evident space cost and failure risk benefits. Additionaly 2 independet wire breakage detection allarms are provided. Suitable for application requiring SIL 2-3 level (according to EN61508).The two channels are totally independent and do not have any common parts.
• Input from Zone 0 (Zone 20), Division 1, installation in Zone 2, Division 2. • Magnetic pick-up or proximity input sensor. • Input frequency range from 0 to 50 KHz.


         Halil Rıfat Paşa Mahallesi Yüzer Havuz Sokak
Özgül Apartmanı No:13/15 Dükkan 1
Okmeydanı - Şişli İSTANBUL TÜRKİYE

+90 212 210 93 54

+90 212 210 93 59

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